Młodzież w działaniuMłodzież w działaniuKlub ICEPolish Mission Church

Day 5 (4 VIII 2007) Saturday - The topic of the day: "I'm looking and I'm beginning to see. I want to be in the center, I don't want to be in the audience, I have need to be full"

Saturday was a day full of interesting experiences. After breakfast we divided into 4 groups: dance, art, movie and theatre. The first group was learning very complicated Irish dance and easy Polish - Polonez. The art group was making the camp sign: "Eyes Wide Open". The movie group made funny movies. One of them was "a game" with pictures. The main actress was Judy, who was known as "Jadzia". She spoke Polish. The last group prepared a drama about addictions and our relation to them.
After dinner we had a great time playing games which were prepared by the Polish group. The best game was the one with holding a line standing on foil covered with water and dish soap. Players "danced" like on an ice rink. Funny pictures and movies were presented.
After supper all groups presented their projects during evening program. Our guest - Dan Hash had a lecture about realizing our passions and dreams. About 10 p.m. we went for a bus trip to see Krakow at night as the "i2i" group requested. The city is very beautiful at night.


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